Aluminium Windows

House Exterior showing 21st Century Conservatories & Fascias New Aluminium Window Installation

An Exquisite Alternative to PVC Windows

Aluminium windows are a great alternative to PVC. The frames are up to 50% slimmer than a typical PVC window which means they allow more light to flood in to your home. It is also a stronger material than PVC, this allows for larger configurations to be achieved. Each product is powder coated to give a more durable finish which won’t discolour, peel or rust.


We can offer 4 profiles as outlined below. All achieve the same energy rating, the main difference being the profile giving a contemporary or classic feel.

Series 1 – Contemporary – Slick, sleek and flat, the Series 1 window will transform your property into the modern day.

Series 2 – Traditional Casement – A Bevelled egde opening frame is a timeless classic.

Series 3  – Flush Casement – Flush fitting opening casements to replicate the look of a timber window.

Series 4 – Heritage Casement – The slimmest of window framing designed specifically for sensitive planning areas.

Image of an Aluminium Window design by 21st Century.

Energy Efficiency Gains

All Alimax profiles are made of an outer and inner aluminium extrusion and joined together using a polymide thermal barrier. This barrier reduces the heat loss through the frame. This in turn improves the U value of the overall product and reduces the risk of condensation appearing.

Combined with a high performing double glazed unit Alimax windows can achieve a high energy rating.


Alimax Brochure
21st Century Conservatories